Progressive Qualitative Research

Qualitative research is what feeds our curiosity and passion for continuous learning. We are focused understanding the WHYs… the deeply rooted beliefs, attitudes and values that drive the consumer and shopper mindset.

We are the preferred partner for many Fortune 100 companies because of our cross-cultural expertise.

Our unmatched success is driven by:

Engaging and visual reports that ease the diffusion of research findings to your team!

Seasoned Moderators with extensive cross-cultural expertise and unparalleled knowledge in Hispanic culture.

A carefully crafted analysis plan and rigorous review process that ensures the study results yield powerful, actionable insights for your business.

A full dedicated team of 3 to 5 Culturati members are assigned to collaborate on your project to deliver flawless execution.

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Hidden Insights for Meaningful Action.

In today’s dynamic and ever-evolving business landscape, companies must have a comprehensive understanding of their target consumers through marketing research. Traditional market research methods often fall short in capturing the nuanced insights that hinder the drive for confident, data-driven decisions and facilitate category investment decisions. This is where qualitative methods come into play. 

One of the key advantages of utilizing qualitative research is the ability to present research findings and marketing strategy engagingly and visually. Gone are the days of convoluted reports filled with jargon and complex data tables. Culturati has mastered the art of creating reports that are not only visually appealing but also easy to digest for your team. By employing innovative techniques and storytelling methods during in-depth interviews, these reports help bring qualitative research solutions findings to life, allowing stakeholders to fully grasp the implications of rich insights and take swift action.

Customized Methodologies & Tailored Solutions for Unique Research Questions

No two market research services are the same, which is why qualitative research services excel in designing customized methodologies. We understand that each client has unique needs and objectives, and a one-size-fits-all approach simply will not suffice. By tailoring market research projects and methodologies to match the specific research objectives, this full-service research ensures that the essence of the market research projects and questions is captured, ultimately leading to more impactful, actionable insights for the decision-makers. 

A Flexible and Agile Approach

In today’s fast-paced business environment, agility is key. Our qualitative research services are known for their flexible and agile approach, allowing us to adapt to changing research needs and deliver timely results. Whether it’s adjusting the research design, modifying the target audience, or incorporating new research objectives, these services are adept at pivoting to our contextual understanding. 

Culturati has revolutionized the way companies uncover actionable insights for meaningful action. With engaging and visual reports using creative methods, seasoned moderators, customized methodologies, immersive research techniques, cutting-edge technology, collaboration, and partnership, as well as diverse industry expertise, this wide range of services provides market research agencies and decision-makers with the tools and actionable insights needed to make informed decisions and stay ahead in today’s competitor benchmarking by using customer journey mapping for consumer research.

for more information, contact Below

Marissa Romero-Martin

Chief Insights Officer

Patrick Elms

V.P., Research & Analytics

Karla Terán

V.P., Strategic Research & Hispanic Insights Expert