Ivayana Liggins

Senior Project Manager

What makes you a Culturati?

What makes me a Culturati is my unwavering commitment to fostering diversity, inclusion, and cultural awareness in all aspects of my life. Growing up in the vibrant and diverse city of San Francisco, I have been exposed to people from all walks of life, which instilled in me a deep appreciation for different cultures and perspectives. This background, combined with my experience as being a part of a multicultural sorority, has driven my professional approach in project management, where I aim to be an example of those that are typically underrepresented in the market research industry. I believe that every individual has a unique story, and I am an active listener who values the lessons that come from these diverse experiences. I love to learn about new cultures, whether through travel or by engaging with local communities, always seeking to learn and adapt respectfully.

How did you discover your Culturati nature?

I discovered my Culturati nature while growing up in the dynamic and culturally rich environment of San Francisco. The city’s diversity exposed me to a multitude of perspectives, traditions, and ways of life, which fostered a deep appreciation for cultural inclusivity. This early exposure made me realize the importance of advocating for diversity in every space I occupy. As I moved into my professional career, this understanding naturally evolved into a passion for creating inclusive environments where everyone’s voice is valued and respected.

What type of Culturati are you?

I am a Culturati lifelong learner and knowledge seeker, driven by a passion for acquiring new skills and insights. Earning my master’s in business administration degree has equipped me with strategic thinking and business acumen, enhancing my capabilities in project management. I love exploring new techniques, from market research methodologies and beyond, as I believe that continuous learning is essential for personal and professional growth. This dedication to learning enables me to approach each project with fresh perspectives and innovative solutions, ensuring that I bring the best to every challenge I face.

What makes you a good Culturati Project Manager?

My diverse professional background equips me to excel as a Culturati Project Manager. Since beginning my market research career in 2017, I’ve developed a strong understanding of how to effectively address the unique needs of each project that crosses my path. My academic background in both psychology and business administration has provided me with the analytical and strategic skills necessary to navigate complex challenges. Additionally, my experience in operations and client services has enhanced my ability to build meaningful relationships and adapt to various personalities and situations. I am genuinely passionate about fostering inclusive environments, where diverse perspectives are celebrated, and this passion reflects in my commitment to achieving successful project outcomes.