
Shifts in Hispanic Life Priorities for Greater Brand Resonance

Strong brand resonance is critical in today’s complex consumer environment and Culturati is committed to bringing you market trends and consumer insights to inspire stronger connections between people and brands. Take a look at this article that reveals Hispanic life priority shifts – it may spark some additional thinking on how to authentically connect with Hispanics.

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    Ice Cream and the U.S. Hispanic Consumer

    Ice cream/frozen novelties are a food that is deeply rooted in Hispanic culture and fully enjoyed by U.S. Hispanics. Understanding certain nuances of their behavior in this category can help marketers win with these consumers. Download this POV to better understand how cultural connection to the ice cream category drives consumption.

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      Snapshot: Hispanics Voting for “Safety” vs. “Change”

      This year, the group of eligible voters is expected to be more racially diverse and the increase in the number of Hispanic voters has many wondering how much weight Hispanics will pull in the upcoming presidential elections. To get a deeper perspective, we polled Hispanics from all acculturation levels to learn about their political standing and voting plans.

      Download this Insights Snapshot to find out what percentage of Hispanics plan to vote, how they feel about the candidates and who they plan to vote for.

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        A New Hispanic Media Landscape

        Hispanic media consumption has evolved, long gone are the days where Hispanics mostly watched their favorite handful of media channels on one screen. The new age of Hispanic media consumption is defined by an array of seemingly endless channel selections, digital media options, and VOD that provide the many options for content- all fighting for the same audience engagement and time. This complex landscape has made it harder for marketers to effectively communicate with Hispanic consumers and establish a strong, sustainable connection between their brands and their intended consumers. Download this POV to learn how to better strategize, connect with and understand the Hispanic media landscape.

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          Healthcare and The Multicultural Consumer

          Healthcare is a personal and highly emotional category, therefore it is important for brands to demonstrate a deep and empathetic cultural understanding when speaking to General Market and Ethnic consumers. Download this POV to learn about specific Hispanic and African-American cultural nuances in relation to healthcare that should be kept in mind when developing strategies and plans to reach these segments.

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            White Paper

            Differences in Hispanic Purchase Behavior to Drive Success for Brands

            The U.S. Hispanic population and buying power are growing exponentially and it is important to understand these shoppers within their cultural context to uncover what really drives their purchase decisions. As this market grows, it is also transforming into more clearly defined shades of Hispanicity. Therefore, the need to further understand Hispanics from a beliefs and attitudes standpoint has become vital. Leveraging Culturati’s U.S. Hispanic Segmentation Model and additional quantitative and qualitative shopper insights, we developed a comprehensive and easy to use framework that enables the advanced understanding of the Hispanic shopper by looking beyond the numbers to show the values and cultural mindset that drive behavior, download this white paper to learn more!

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