
Polycultural Brand Insights for the Holiday

To show our appreciation toward our clients during this holiday season, we created an infographic with polycultural insights using data from our 2021 Total Market and Multicultural Brand Affinity syndicated report, which reports affinity ratings for 61 brands across a variety of categories. Using our proprietary Brand Affinity Score, we present the top 25 and bottom brands for Total Market, Hispanics, Black Americans and Asian Americans.

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    Syndicated Report

    Increasing Brand Affinity Among Multicultural Consumers ©2023

    Download an overview of this report. This report brings insight into the favorite consumer brands and why they connect across cultures.

    As the multicultural consumer market continues to grow in size and importance, brands need to work even harder to connect with them.  

    Our Multicultural Brand Affinity syndicated report identifies which brands are the favorites among the key cultural cohorts of U.S. Hispanic, Black American and Asian American, and what the brands are doing to be successful within each of these cohorts.  

    We also look at the brands with lower affinity scores and identify how they are missing the mark.  

    Call us for more information! 

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      Hispanic Media Usage

      The current media landscape is a reflection of the evolving make-up of the U.S. Hispanic audience, who are not immune to the influences of the internet, social media, the proliferation of audio and video streaming and changes in lifestyle due to COVID-19. As such, Hispanic media consumption continues to evolve. Hispanic consumers are using an array of seemingly endless channel selections and digital/social media options that provide the many options for content; having all content creators fighting for the same audience engagement and time. Additionally, contradictory to the assumption of Hispanic assimilation into the mainstream, in the past couple of years, socio-political movements have also motivated Hispanics to be more attuned to their culture and language. Therefore, Spanish-language media continues to be relevant.

      Download this POV on the evolving Hispanic media landscape to help you calibrate your media strategy.

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        Cross-Cultural Holiday Insight Cheer

        As a way to show our appreciation toward our clients during this holiday season, we have created an infographic with cross-cultural insights leveraging data from several of our recent surveys such as our Cultural Mosaic 2.0 © and our Hispanic Music Quick Poll, Culturati © 2020. The infographic includes information broken out by cultural group as it relates to life priorities, holidays celebrated, ways in which consumers express their identify and alcohol consumption. The infographic also includes a spotlight on Hispanic, Black American and Asian consumers with information on specific foods consumed during the holidays, music preferences, and alcohol consumption broken out by the Culturati segments within each ethnic segmentation model.

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          Impact of COVID-19 on Asian Consumers & Shoppers

          Asians have been impacted by COVID-19 and this is reflected in changes to their lifestyle, media consumption and online shopping behavior. Download our infographic to see details on how COVID-19 has impacted the lives of Asians in the U.S. Additionally, infographic highlights areas of opportunity for various sectors based on changes in consumer behavior. The infographic shows data broken out by the four Culturati Asian segments compared to Total Asians, and it also includes highlights by Asian country of origin.

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            Digital Natives – How Technology Has Shaped Gen Z

            Generation Z (also known as Gen Z) is the youngest generation that is part of the workforce and is the largest generation to date. As such, their buying power will only increase over time. For this reason, it is vital to understand their shopper, media, and digital behaviors as well as what makes them unique in order to best reach them during this critical formative time for them. Our Gen Z infographic includes key information about events that have shaped Gen Z, their demographic makeup, connection to technology, brand affinity, shopper behavior and more.

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