Culturati releases Cultural Intelligence Series to elevate consumer connection
The Power of Culture to Humanize Marketing. Culturati Research & Consulting, a thought leader in U.S. cross-cultural intelligence, has released the 2023 edition of their Cultural Intelligence Series. This advanced knowledge suite is composed of five culture-rich syndicated reports designed to elevate cultural empathy and success across brands and sectors with trended data texturized with human insights. The series includes: The Cultural Mosaic 3.0, Multicultural Brand Affinity (with NH White benchmark), Hispanic Universal Truths, Black-American Universal Truths, and Asian-American Universal Truths. Each report offers proven research and actionable insights to help brands win in today’s complex consumer landscape with cross-cultural intelligence.
Cultural Mosaic 3.0 ©2022 Update (n=5,000)
The Cultural Mosaic 3.0 delivers unparalleled knowledge that helps marketers achieve greater efficiencies and brand success in today’s polycultural mainstream. The report uncovers “connective tissue” and cultural nuances across the total market and multicultural cohorts, helping to unearth opportunities for more successful consumer, shopper & media strategies for 2023.
Multicultural Brand Affinity: 2023 Edition (n=5,000)
The Multicultural Brand Affinity report provides insight on why top-rated brands are winning with multicultural consumers. The analysis includes a NH White benchmark to increase cultural understanding of brand success and showcases opportunities to elevate brand affinity. Ethnic cohort chapters feature the top 25 and bottom 5 brands, linking brand success to the unique core values for each cultural group.
Universal Truths: 2023 Edition (Hispanic n=1,250; Black American n=900; Asian n=750)
Diversity is intrinsic to today’s U.S. culture and deeply understanding the three key multicultural cohorts is critical for brand success in today’s polycultural mainstream. Culturati’s commitment to staying ahead of the cultural evolution has uncovered unique core values for U.S. Hispanics, Black Americans and Asians. Leveraging this advanced knowledge, the updated reports deliver human truths with cultural sensitivity and practical marketing examples to help brand teams build greater consumer intuition. The reports include analysis on the evolution of traditional social-behavioral patterns that have been transformed or elevated in the past decade as well as three golden rules by ethnic cohort to elevate cultural connections.
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