Our insightful infographic that showcases the importance of holidays and breaks them down by Total Market vs. Multicultural consumers – and by attitudinal segments with these cultural cohorts. We also show the frequency of celebrating specific holidays and provide interesting trends from a 2017 survey. Understanding these trends will allow marketers to create campaigns around holidays that connect with the new total mainstream as well as design more effective targeted initiatives for multicultural consumers.

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    Hispanics have been impacted significantly by COVID-19 and this is reflected in changes to their lifestyle, media consumption and online shopping behavior. Download our infographic to see details on how COVID-19 has disrupted Hispanics’ lives. Additionally, we highlight areas of opportunities for various sectors based on changes in consumer behavior. The infographic shows data broken out by the four Culturati Hispanic segments compared to Total Hispanics.

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      For the last couple of months, there has been a lot of information regarding the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on consumer confidence and behavior. Yet, information on U.S. Hispanics has been limited, particularly across Hispanic segments (since not all Hispanics are the same). As such, Culturati Research & Consulting (Culturati), conducted a three-question nationwide survey among 341 respondents using its Learning Incubator® Hispanic panel with the goal of obtaining a more granular view of the impact among the different segments.

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        Download an overview of this report. Today more than ever, Hispanic consumers want brands to participate in solving societal issues and expect them to be present in their communities.  Recent increases in socio-political tension and crackdowns on immigration are creating more personal connections to many social and political issues among Hispanics.  To help marketers understand and leverage this new dynamic, Culturati’s report explores how the current socio-political climate impacts Hispanics’ expectations from brands, cultural connections and consumer spending. 

        The study is particularly powerful because it includes trended data showing changes in attitudes and behaviors, differences by acculturation and comparisons to non-Hispanic consumers.

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          An Optimistic Financial Outlook Makes Hispanics Even More Lucrative Holiday Consumers than Non-Hispanics. As a valued partner, we are sharing some cultural insights as our gift to you this holiday season.

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            Download an overview of this report. The U.S. Hispanic market is undergoing one of the most profound and significant shifts since the beginning of Hispanic marketing as an industry. Our socio-political environment has elevated the need to understand how the U.S. Hispanic culture will evolve and the forces behind important shifts. Lean on Culturati’s U.S. Hispanic evolution forecast and related insights to understand attitudinal factors and key dimensions that impact the behaviors of this burgeoning population.

            The content of this report will unleash your thinking on how to stay ahead of the Hispanic evolution curve in order to prioritize and effectively connect with your Hispanic growth targets.

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